International Conference “Musical Composition & New Methods of Humanitarian Studies”
08 October 2019 - 09 October 2019 |
The Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory Center of, and Division for, Contemporary Music, together with the Music Theory Division, are organizing the International Scholarly Conference
Musical Composition
and New Methods of Humanitarian Studies,
dedicated to Prof. Alexander Sokolov’s 70th anniversary.
The conference will take place at Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory: 13/6 Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street, on 8–9 October 2019.
The Organizing and Program Committee:
- Prof. Alexander Sokolov, D.A.: Rector, Chairman of the Music Theory Division;
- Prof. Konstantin Zenkin, D.A.: Deputy Rector for Scholarly Affairs, Foreign Music History Division;
- Prof. Vladimir Tarnopolsky: Artistic Director of the Studio for New Music Ensemble, Composition Division;
- Prof. Marianna Vysotskaya, D.A.: Chairman of the Division for Contemporary Music;
- Assc. Prof. Yevghenia Izotova, Ph.D.: Administrator of the Studio for New Music Ensemble;
- Vera Serebryakova: Chairwoman of the Scholarly and Art Center for Contemporary Music Studies, Senior Administrator of the Studio for New Music Ensemble.
The following topics are proposed for consideration at the conference:
- New Sound Material and Methods of Its Studies;
- Music and New Methods of Humanitarian Studies;
- The Twenty-first-century Scholarly Projects of the Music Theory Division;
- Sociology of Music after Theodor Adorno;
- New Methods of the Formbildung Analysis.
Proposed lengths of the presentations:
- 30 minutes at the plenary session,
- 20 minutes at the break-out session,
- 10 minutes for discussions.
The working languages of the conference are Russian and English.
The participation is free of charge; no registration fee is due to payment. Neither travel nor accommodation expenses are covered. Personal invitations to the conference may be forwarded upon request.
A hotel room may be booked upon request in the application. Free-of-charge accommodation is decided by the Organizing Committee (due to a limited number of rooms).
An application (download *.doc) with the title and abstract of the presentation (500–1000 characters in total) must be forwarded not later than 4 September 2019 at
The Organizing Committee is entitled to reject any applications on the basis of their competitive selection.
Upon completion of the conference, the presentations will be published according to the Organizing Committee’s decision. The maximum volume of the text is 40,000 characters. The texts must be forwarded not later than 15 November 2019 at
The Organizing Committee is entitled to edit any texts while they are being prepared for publication.